Agents using Retire Village
in its beta trials have achieved incredible results.
- Grow your database
- Nurture your connections
- Harvest your new clients
Jim Junge
“There are other sites at a lesser price, but I have not found anything that delivers so many high-quality benefits for such a reasonable figure.”
Tim Davis
“Retire Village has been a significant enhancement to my marketing efforts. It has enhanced my online visibility, provided new leads and continues to engage my prospect database with relevant emails on retirement topics. ”
Marty Becker
“When I first started in this industry, I had no presence on the internet. We live in a day and age where if you cannot be found by a simple Google search, then you do not exist. If it wasn’t for Bill Broich and his website development platform, Retire Village, I never would have had the credibility to start generating business. It gave me the opportunity to focus on my clients and their needs, instead of having to develop a website and content. Two things which I knew nothing about. Thank you, Bill! ”
Create a Marketing and Lead Generation system for your Advisor Business - without spending more money on ads.
Learn more from some of the
early adopters below:
Stephen Dybwad
“I just wanted to tell you how impressed I am with the “new” Retire Village.The lead-capture features and the cross-marketing possibilities are fantastic! (I may never live long enough to utilize its full potential!) Thanks for another amazing tool. ”
Rick Kelly
“I just want to tell you what a great addition to my business that Retire Village has been. With timely articles being sent every two weeks for me it keeps my name in front of prospects for me. It is a great way to stay relevant and have a connection to prospects, without having to do the legwork myself. It is a very invaluable tool to have in my toolbox!”
Ben Kunes
“If not now, in the future, Retire Village is a great asset to my business and it provides an enormous benefit to my clients, by sending out a bi-monthly newsletters about current financial topics to my contacts. RetireVillage also provides a indepth library of articles and videos pertaining to retirement that my clients can use as a great resource tool. The last benefit I receive from Retirevillage is that it will let me know who is reading the different articles in the newsletter or using the article and video library. This allows me to follow up with current clients or potential clients on specific points of topic. All in all Retired Village is very beneficial to the growth of my business. ”